Well, fans, it’s been a while. A LONG while. But I finally made it back on to FB. This is important because the FB Boost feature is a must for marketing books if you’re an Indie author.

Background: a couple of years ago I received a text from FB asking me to confirm my identity with a code they would send. Easy peasy, right? Wrong. I tried for a few weeks to receive the code, with no luck. Then I received a notice saying I’d been banned for violating community standards. Ever check out community standards for FB? Basically, you have to be involved in illicit drug dealing, white slave trade or child pornography. Say what?

Anyway, since I had Boosted my books to Brazil and Russia, which is where books 2, The Girl from Ipanema and 3, Kutuzov’s Dream take place respectively, I’m guessing I was hacked . So hacked and back.

I will be doing a series of Giveaways over the next several months so keep an eye out for them on Goodreads and Amazon.

I’m rolling out the series again because I believe it to be more topical now. Book 1, Sun Valley Moon Mountains, deals with death, loss and grief. Those subjects are always topical. But in the past few years it seems the extent of death and destruction has ramped up. Ukraine, Sudan, Syria: the list goes on.

Book 2, The Girl from Ipanema, deals with an environmental catastrophe, melting of the Greenland ice sheet and its consequences, including a breakup of the US. Sound topical? Ironically, the current melting of the Greenland ice sheet slows down the Gulf Stream and may turn North America and Europe into ice cubes. Weird? Climate change denying? NO. It’s actually happening today. The Cold Blob!

Book 3, Kutuzov’s Dream, continues the story of the response to the disaster and probes the very concepts of morality.

So, good to be back and I hope you take advantage of the ‘swag’ and have great reads.