
A few weeks ago I published a short story by my sister, Joanne Trebbe, who was previously unpublished. This week, as promised, I’m publishing a work by Jude Ward.

New blog post by fantasy author Ajax Minor, of Central California

She is actually the person who ‘stalked’ away from me in a cornfield in my short story,  ‘I Married a Butterfly’. So it’s true that authors write from experience!

I consider her a real talent and I hope readers will encourage her to go through all of her work and pick the best to published. Her talent needs to be shared.

Read her poem, “Winter Solstice Dance, by Jude Ward,” here: https://ajaxminor.com/stories/winter-solstice-dance/


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  1. Hi Paul,
    Long story how I got here, but I am happy to have found you.
    I have many fond memories of our family time together.
    Drop me a line if you wish, love to talk to you.
    Lee Fraczek

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