March 10, 2025
Loss: holidays and anniversaries
We have just finished the longest Holiday season of the year. Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day all smished together. Some calendars even highlight the dates in red. These days are significant. And they can be especially impactful on people who have suffered a Loss. Often people are at their lowest point after a loss […]
More "Grief" category blog entries
I have read and have had some people say that the second year after a Loss, the death of a loved one, is harder than the first. In my experience it has been HARD. Not necessarily harder but different. When we lost or daughter, Katherine, to a birth accident in 1992, I was inconsolable. For […]
We have just finished the longest Holiday season of the year. Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day all smished together. Some calendars even highlight the dates in red. These days are significant. And they can be especially impactful on people who have suffered a Loss. Often people are at their lowest point after a loss […]
First an apology. This should have gone out weeks ago but travelled to visit family in NJ for T’Day. And then caught a three week bug! Speaking of Holidays I will be writing about Loss and Holidays and Anniversaries since the season is upon us. People have very different reactions. Anyway, Writing is essential. We […]
Is it okay to be angry when dealing with Loss? Hell yes! When dealing with a Loss pretty much anything goes. Whatever works. Except of course self harm, harm to others and spiraling into addiction. We all develop strategies. I have been talking in these pieces on Loss about my own methods. They don’t work […]
As I have said in previous posts, each person deals with Loss uniquely and deals with every Loss they experience in a unique way. So I have developed my own lexicon. The entire landscape, as I’ve said here before, is Loss. Sadness, depression with a small “d”, technically termed anhedonia, and grief sit within that […]
I have Blogged the past few weeks about Loss, often referred to as Grief. I consider Grief to be a particular emotional state set within the context of Loss. I will write more about Grief in my next Blog. As I have mentioned I lost my wife, Linda, last November to ALS and my daughter, […]
Having lost my wife, Linda, nine months ago and my daughter, Katherine, in 1992, I am writing a series of short Blogs about the experience. With Katherine, she inspired me to write the fantasy series, The Ur Legend, to give her a life she never got to live since she dies at seven months old. […]
I returned to my Blog a few weeks ago after an absence of two years. As I have said, I was consumed with taking care of my wife, Linda, who had been diagnosed with ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease, in 2021. She died on 11/12/2023. Most books on loss carry Grief in the title. I prefer […]
My wife, Linda, was diagnosed with ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease, a neurological disorder, in August of 2021. She died November 12, 2023 at CHOMP Hospital in Monterey,CA. It happened in the wee hours, 2 AM. I was at her side but sleeping when the nurses woke me to tell me she had ‘passed’. So now […]
Grief is perhaps the most brutal of emotions. Not because it is more intense than others. Certainly fear can be more immediately overwhelming. But Grief is a chronic state. It is a response to Loss. Not simply the loss of a wallet, or a set of keys, but something irreplaceable and irretrievable. The object of […]
A couple of articles and editorials were printed in The New York Times this month on Grieving. An editorial by Sian Beilock, President of Barnard College, ‘No Right Way to Mourn’, was particularly insightful concerning society’s attitudes toward the death of public figures and those whom we may know casually or simply ‘know of’. She […]