March 10, 2025
Loss: holidays and anniversaries
We have just finished the longest Holiday season of the year. Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day all smished together. Some calendars even highlight the dates in red. These days are significant. And they can be especially impactful on people who have suffered a Loss. Often people are at their lowest point after a loss […]
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I have read and have had some people say that the second year after a Loss, the death of a loved one, is harder than the first. In my experience it has been HARD. Not necessarily harder but different. When we lost or daughter, Katherine, to a birth accident in 1992, I was inconsolable. For […]
We have just finished the longest Holiday season of the year. Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day all smished together. Some calendars even highlight the dates in red. These days are significant. And they can be especially impactful on people who have suffered a Loss. Often people are at their lowest point after a loss […]
First an apology. This should have gone out weeks ago but travelled to visit family in NJ for T’Day. And then caught a three week bug! Speaking of Holidays I will be writing about Loss and Holidays and Anniversaries since the season is upon us. People have very different reactions. Anyway, Writing is essential. We […]
Is it okay to be angry when dealing with Loss? Hell yes! When dealing with a Loss pretty much anything goes. Whatever works. Except of course self harm, harm to others and spiraling into addiction. We all develop strategies. I have been talking in these pieces on Loss about my own methods. They don’t work […]
As I have said in previous posts, each person deals with Loss uniquely and deals with every Loss they experience in a unique way. So I have developed my own lexicon. The entire landscape, as I’ve said here before, is Loss. Sadness, depression with a small “d”, technically termed anhedonia, and grief sit within that […]
I have Blogged the past few weeks about Loss, often referred to as Grief. I consider Grief to be a particular emotional state set within the context of Loss. I will write more about Grief in my next Blog. As I have mentioned I lost my wife, Linda, last November to ALS and my daughter, […]
Having lost my wife, Linda, nine months ago and my daughter, Katherine, in 1992, I am writing a series of short Blogs about the experience. With Katherine, she inspired me to write the fantasy series, The Ur Legend, to give her a life she never got to live since she dies at seven months old. […]
I returned to my Blog a few weeks ago after an absence of two years. As I have said, I was consumed with taking care of my wife, Linda, who had been diagnosed with ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease, in 2021. She died on 11/12/2023. Most books on loss carry Grief in the title. I prefer […]
My wife, Linda, was diagnosed with ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease, a neurological disorder, in August of 2021. She died November 12, 2023 at CHOMP Hospital in Monterey,CA. It happened in the wee hours, 2 AM. I was at her side but sleeping when the nurses woke me to tell me she had ‘passed’. So now […]
So what’s with the interrobang (yup that’s what it’s called: Qmark followed by an exclamation point)? Every year the US Men’s Open, golf, concludes on Fathers’ Day. Fitting in many ways. Usually the winner thanks all who have helped him. Especially their dads. Often there are bleary eyed, teary eyed encomiums to their fathers who […]
I try to ground my Fantasy in some sort of factual basis. Before I began writing ‘The Girl from Ipanema’ I read an article in Scientific American that concerned a short but dramatic fall in temperatures world wide about 12,000 years ago, during an interstitial warming period during the Ice Ages. The melting caused a […]
“I know the way to your heart is through your brain and I do love you for it, or in spite of it.” Loss One of the major themes in the book Sun Valley Moon Mountains is “loss.” In the first chapter of the book, Kate says to Jaq, who finds her crying in the bathroom in the […]
I try to ground my Fantasy in some sort of factual basis. Before I began writing ‘The Girl from Ipanema’ I read an article in Scientific American that concerned a short but dramatic fall in temperatures world wide about 12,000 years ago, during an interstitial warming period in the Ice Ages. The melting caused a […]
Last week I wrote about the disconnect between Trump’s actions during the CV19 crisis and his perception of himself as an autocrat. I thought I’d reprint a post about how Kim and Trump are ‘sole proprietors’ and how this has affected their behavior. North Korea is an issue I have addressed, since the first part […]
Donald Trump’s handling of CV19 is a bit of an enigma. Not just the specific policies of his Administration, but rather the lack of ‘ownership’ he has exhibited. So I thought I’d have a conversation with one of the characters in my ‘Ur Legend’ to get his perspective. Jumong had been the Chairman of the […]
The Beat generation in the US in the 1950s rebelled against materialism and questioned traditional American cultural values. They were portrayed often as black clad, beret wearing, bongo playing and ULTRA Cool ‘cats’. A classic caricature was the character Maynard G Krebs, played by Bob Denver. But the Beat writers were a serious group. The […]
During this stressful time reading can often be a true pleasure. So rather than write about ‘heavier’ topics I plan to republish some poems and short stories, as well as publish a few new ones. ‘I Married a Butterfly’ has appeared here before but for those of you who haven’t read it I’m reprising. It […]
The past week has been both challenging and sad. Challenging to those of us still healthy and sad for those stricken with Covid19. I had planned before the pandemic to fire up the Blog again and write about two possibly prescient themes in The Girl from Ipanema, Book 2 of The Ur Legend: a global […]
Grief is perhaps the most brutal of emotions. Not because it is more intense than others. Certainly fear can be more immediately overwhelming. But Grief is a chronic state. It is a response to Loss. Not simply the loss of a wallet, or a set of keys, but something irreplaceable and irretrievable. The object of […]
A couple of articles and editorials were printed in The New York Times this month on Grieving. An editorial by Sian Beilock, President of Barnard College, ‘No Right Way to Mourn’, was particularly insightful concerning society’s attitudes toward the death of public figures and those whom we may know casually or simply ‘know of’. She […]
Today is a special day. Our daughter, Katie, would have been 28. As you may know by now, I wrote a Fantasy trilogy, ‘The Ur Legend’, to give her a life she never got to live. And last week was a special week on the Monterey Peninsula. We hosted the ATT Pebble Beach Pro-Am. The […]
Elko, NV is the Go-To for my wife, Linda, and me when we travel from the Monterey Peninsula in Central Cali to Ketchum, ID. I wrote extensively about our Fly-fishing adventures in Sun Valley in October 2018. You can search my Blog site, at, for more links under Idaho. But first let me introduce […]
A few weeks ago I wrote a review of ‘Last Christmas‘ starring Emilia Clarke. Now I’d like to share some thoughts on ‘Uncut Gems’. What’s going on here? Why the movie reviews suddenly? I’d only written one other, a year or so ago, of the flick ‘Wonder Woman’. I always make it a point to […]
The distinguishing feature of Ms Lindsey’s writing is her ability to weave the emotional and intellectual connections between and among characters. It is, I think, a technique I have identified as the primary driver of plot in my own Ur Legend series. The two wonderful, salient aspects of her Mysteries are her ability to draw […]
Sun Valley Moon Mountains takes place at Christmas. But it is not a Christmas story. Not exactly. And the eponymous Jesus Christ makes an appearance! Read the story about the strange Christmas tree Father Nicholas Marduk Beele sent to Kate and Jaq, Oh! Tannenbaum?!
‘Last Christmas’ was billed, for some reason, as a ‘rom-com’. I suppose I don’t go to enough movies to have known what in hell that was at first. Let me be clear, this movie is not a ‘romantic comedy’ it is a FANTASY! It is supposed to be quirky, loopy and at times quite absurd. […]
I have finished the promotional period for my new novel, Kutuzov’s Dream, Book 3 in the Ur Legend series. Phew! Now I’d like to get back to some commentary. I’d like to refresh on the reasons why I began writing. But first I’d like to talk about something more basic I often hear people say, […]
There was quite the dust up recently over Trump’s remarks about four Democratic congresswomen, a.k.a. ‘The Squad’. He was accused of Racism. Is this accurate? Hard to say since we can’t get into Trump’s head; nor would we want to. He told them to go back to the countries they came from. But on the […]
Kutusov’s Dream, Book 3 of The Ur Legend series, is about to be published. I’ve finished reading through my editors’ notes and made my own corrections. All is ready but I’ve decided to give it one last read. A project years in the making deserves the extra effort. We want it to be as good […]
Last Christmas there was a huge dust up over the Frank Loesser song ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’. It may have seemed innocent enough in the ’40s but in the new #MeToo world it was regarded as the picture of a persistent, predatory male. Fair enough. Males are predatory and persistent. Our minds conjure up the […]
As Daenerys sat atop Drogon at King’s Landing and listened to the bells toll surrender, she had a choice to make. For some odd reason she chose the total destruction of King’s Landing, along with a population of common people she had spent her young life protecting. Inexplicable, bad storytelling in my opinion, but the […]
Over the last two weeks I’ve lost two friends. My superb social media guru, Evelyn Helminen, changed jobs, and the move put too many demands on her time to continue to provide the great graphics you’ve all come to expect and enjoy. I’ll do the best I can. And I lost Daenerys Targaryen. I invested […]
Given the recent aggressive moves by Kim Jong-un and escalating tensions just about everywhere on the globe, I thought I’d reprint a post on the two main personalities in the conflict. North Korea is an issue I have addressed, since the first part of ‘The Girl from Ipanema’ takes place in the DPRK. I needed […]
We hear a lot of cries to ‘take our country back’, to ‘give us our rights as a legitimate minority’ and to ‘free us from a foreign oppressor’. The first is probably more common today rising from the ardent nationalists, the second from specific demographic groups such as religious or ethnic. The last is less […]